Members of the XXI edition of the most significant worldwide voluntary undertaking included: managers, employees, technicians, and workers. Italian workers and companies gave a hand with Puliamo il Mondo 2013 (Clean the World), becoming Legambiente volunteers and working for the environment, the community and the territory and the beauty of the Country for an entire weekend. This year, the great Puliamo il Mondo coalition has grown even more than in the past thanks to the efforts of hundreds of people. In fact, there was widespread involvement by companies, consortiums, and cooperatives who chose to participate in “Puliamo il Mondo” as a project that they found to be in harmony with the values of sustainable work and business. Companies were able to participate in many different ways: by donating participation kits to schools and local communities, having employees participate on volunteer days, or making a simple donation. “Be a leader! Become a guardian of your territory.” This was the invitation to this year’s Puliamo il Mondo, organised in Italy by the Legambiente in collaboration with the RAI, to be held on the 27th, 28th, and 29th of September 2013. A “green” weekend that, this year, will host countless volunteers working to clean up and recover degraded areas and make the cities of the Peninsula even more beautiful and habitable. A challenge that, over the years, has invited all citizens to make a concrete change for the environment. Each of us, in our little way, can become a leader in taking care of the beauty of the Country and guardian of this marvelous territory – too often disfigured by neglect, abandonment and, in the most severe cases, by the “ecomafia” (environmental business-related mafia). Ours is one of the leading entrepreneurial companies that have joined the project.