The Municipality of Pellezzano joined the XXI edition of “Puliamo il Mondo”(Clean the World), the largest voluntary environmental initiative organised in Italy by Legambiente. The aim of the event is the development of a sense of responsibility and respect for one’s territory. Sponsored by our company, the event will take place on September 28, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in the areas adjacent to the Museum Complex of the Spirito Santo Hermitage – Pellezzano (SA). The initiative is open to schools of all ages and levels in the territory, associations, and all citizens. All volunteers who attend will be given materials and gadgets. The day will be held in collaboration with the “Raggio Verde” Association, the “S. Maria delle Grazie” National Civil Protection Service, the “Il Casolare” Farmhouse and “New Age Animazione & Spettacolo.”